What is the purpose of technical consultancy?

Scegliere un macchinario non è questione di gusto ma di tecnica.


The perfect machine

There is no such thing! There are highly specialized jobs for which there is often not a wide range of choice and there are generic jobs for which there is a risk of using over- or under-sized machinery. The machinery must be as useful as possible but at the same time have fixed characteristics. The costs of construction machinery are always high and when evaluating a purchase, no matter how important the next job may seem, you always have to think about the entire life and amortization of the investment.


The engineer

The most important thing for a machine (after its mechanics) is its driver(s). Licenses, certificates, practical experience. A complete evaluation, depending on the values ​​in the field, can include several tests or specific training at the manufacturers. Who thinks about it?


Delivery and commissioning

Time is of the essence. It is not enough to evaluate, choose and pay for a machine to make it work. Pre-delivery checks, installation, first start-up and staff training are key, one-off steps that must be done. The good result of the final use depends on this step and for many machines the first start-up has a legal value of activation of the warranty.


Vita utile e ammortamento

Periodic coupons, official checks, financing, insurance... all fixed or periodic costs that must be calculated and it is clear that maintenance is a burden. Extend a warranty? Insure comprehensive insurance? We also work for you in programming, so that the work goes well, for everyone.

Administrative consultancy


Both the Confederation and the Canton often offer incentives and assistance to companies for their technological, material and immaterial advancement and renewal.

Our offices are constantly updated and can accompany your technical choice with the right financial and administrative tools, which allow your purchases to become well-considered and correctly financed investments.

Purchase and rental formulas can be structured in a customized way and the planning of the life of the machinery is a central point in the evaluation of public and private financing. At Service Car we pay attention to every detail and are ready to provide you with this kind of administrative support as well.

Construction companies
The construction sector in the Canton of Ticino and in the Confederation is regulated by the association of categoria SSIC. 
Arts & Crafts
All professional categories certified at cantonal and federal level are brought together In specific associations.

Extend the warranty or believe in luck?

Choose carefully

prima regola del risparmio



TransparencyThe right machine for the right jobs. It seems like a cliché, but all you have to do is buy a compressor with a cooler but without a dryer and you won't get sandblasted anymore. Often, understanding whether the optional I'm ordering is the right one is not a given. Foreign languages, complex technical sheets... Don't leave details to chance: precision pays!



At Service Car many different machines pass through and over the years we have developed a good internal statistics of what works well, what lasts a long time and what are the details that make a system perform well or better. We know the limits of the machines very well (the real ones, not the declared ones) because when they are exceeded, the vehicle comes to us.



When the consultant is also the maintenance and repairer, it is in his best interest to be very transparent. If we estimate an annual check and three come out, we cut a figure! So, if trust in our technical value is not enough, we offer clear consultancy contracts that, in many cases, we discount or write off at the time of purchase. Every machine purchased by one of our customers is another customer for us too, so we treat it well from the very beginning. We do not bring unnecessary problems to the workshop, we are technical partners, not commercial ones.


a 4 occhi

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